
Build your own WBOX: web radio streaming station player/receiver

This tutorial covers a player or receiver of web radio streams at Ubuntu 10.04. It's purpose is to run a stable 24/7 service without user interaction. It consist of a liquidsoap and icecast configuration for streaming audio between 2 locations. Streaming is done by using OGG with a constant bitrate of 160kbit/s, but you use other codecs or settings, because streaming is done completely by using the flexible liquidsoap software.

required Hardware

You will need

Each of the PCs should provide

Operating modes

Both modes require at least liquidsoap >= 1.0.0


The recorder uses live audio input from a soundcard, sends the audio stream to a local icecast server and saves the audio to file archive.


The player connects to the remote icecast stream and plays audio out to soundcard. If stream fails there a fallback to a secondary stream is used instead. If the second stream fails too, a local file will be played.


installation is basically the same for recorder and player, there are only a few differences as described below.

BIOS settings


create an Ubuntu user

install liquidsoap

see here for all installation steps needed to get the latest version running.

setup log permissions to user radio

mkdir /usr/local/var/run/liquidsoap/
chown radio /usr/local/var/run/liquidsoap/
chmod 777 /usr/local/var/log/liquidsoap
chmod 777 /usr/local/var/log/liquidsoap/*

icecast setup

setup logs to user radio

mkdir /var/log/icecast
chown radio /var/log/icecast
chmod 777 /var/log/icecast
chmod 777 /var/log/icecast/*

add a mount to icecast configuration

vi /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml


put set same mount, user and password settings at


autostart & hardening

To make icecast2 restart in case it fails or after power loss we define our own upstart jobs.

You can start or stop icecast2 yourself by

sudo start icecast2
sudo stop icecast2
vi /etc/init/icecast2.conf
description	"icecast2"

start on (
	and local-filesystems
stop on runlevel [016]


exec su - radio -c "/usr/bin/icecast2 -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml 2>&1 >>/var/log/icecast2/error.log"

setup user groups

add user 'radio' to following groups

ALSA setup

We made good experiences with MAYA ESI 44 soundcard with symmetric input/output. Other soundcards should work as well, but especially recording seems to be tricky at some cards at Ubuntu even today.

find ALSA device

aplay --list-devices

create virtual device to make sure to use alsa

vi /etc/asound.conf

pcm.liquidsoap {

        type plug
        slave { pcm "hw:0,0" }

use this device at play.liq


install WBOX scripts

download scipts and extract to /home/radio/ so there should be 2 directories: /home/radio/play and /home/radio/record.

PATCH: remove following line from /home/radio/play/output_vorbis.cbr.liq


add following lines to /home/radio/.profile to make some shortcuts available

alias wbox-home='echo "cd /home/radio/play";cd /home/radio/play'
alias wbox-restart='wbox-home;echo "sudo ./";sudo ./'
alias wbox-proc='wbox-home;echo "./status.h";./'
alias wbox-log='wbox-home;echo "./";./'
alias wbox-net='wbox-home;./'

autostart & hardening

To make scripts restart if they fail or after power loss we define own upstart jobs for wbox scripts. depending on your usecase use player or recorder upstart job.

You can start or stop liquidsoap yourself by

sudo start liquidsoap
sudo stop liquidsoap


starts when network becomes active

vi /etc/init/liquidsoap.conf
description	"liquidsoap"

start on (
	and local-filesystems
        and runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]


exec su - radio -c "liquidsoap /home/radio/play/play.liq"  2>&1 >>/var/log/liquidsoap/play.log


starts when local filesystems are mounted

vi /etc/init/liquidsoap.conf
description	"liquidsoap"

start on (
	  and runlevel [2345]

stop on runlevel [016]


exec su - radio -c "/usr/local/bin/liquidsoap /home/radio/record/play.liq  2>&1 >>/var/log/liquidsoap/play.log"

using multiple DSL routers to increase availability

You can connect 2 DSL routers to the system, in this case they should connect to different DSL providers. For details see You can enable this settings at the same system you are running the WBOX player at, but you will need a second network device for this.

system control

sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf 

kernel.panic = 3
vm.swappiness = 1

create log file directories

mkdir /var/log/wunderbox
chmod 777 /var/log/wunderbox
chown radio /var/log/wunderbox
chmod 777 /var/log/wunderbox
chmod 777 /var/log/wunderbox/*

enable log rotation


/var/log/wunderbox/*.log {
  rotate 5
  size 300k