
Customize Queries

  • calcms input are URL queries that are processed by controllers
  • query result variables are embedded into templates and printed out.
  • Each controller comes with a predefined set of result variables.
  • You can create new templates or customize available ones

See parameters for available retrieval URLs and parameters.

  • Templates are stored as plain text files at directory „templates“.
  • Each template starts with Content type header and may set the browser cache lifetime. (Cache is configured at configuration_file.)
  • Templates are setup using HTML::Template language

Variables marked as parameters can be used by put to URL:


. Example: output a link to the calendar with the date of the current event

http://localhost/agenda/calendar.cgi?date=<TMPL_VAR start_date>

Depending on template's filename or file extension result variables have different content.

  • Template filenames containing „list“ or „menu“ will not include the full event description, but title and excerpt only.
  • ICal or Atom output will have plain text event description while '.html' templates will contain full HTML output.
  • Templates with file extension '.json', '.ical', 'atom.xml', result values will contain special output format, especially for datetime.

The full set of controller parameters is described here.

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